INFO-WORK | Repair work on the Chemin des Pins overpass over Highway 40 in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue🚧⛔
This overpass will be closed to all traffic until the end of November.
Complete closures of Highway 40 are also expected in the evening, at night and on weekends.
If you are coming from Montréal on Highway 40 to visit us, we suggest that you
- take exit 40,
- make a U-turn eastbound,
- take exit 41 and stay on the service road until you reach the Macdonald Campus sign (chemin Poultry Cottage),
- turn right, follow that road just past the stop sign,
- take the first right (Montréal Aviation Museum sign),
- follow the signs for the museum which will be on your left.
For all information regarding this work, it is recommended that you consult Québec 511 to find out about current restrictions.